5 Spring Cleaning Tasks that Can Make Your Elderly Loved One’s Home Safer

home health care services phoenix az

5 Spring Cleaning Tasks that Can Make Your Elderly Loved One’s Home Safer

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Heart disease tops the chart for deaths of senior citizens in Arizona, while chronic lower respiratory disease is the 3rd reason for deaths in the state. 

Read more below and you might know how seasonal changes in Spring worsen the effects of these diseases (directly or indirectly). 

If you are reading this, then you might be worried that a senior loved one may suffer from health problems which are common during Spring.

While it’s still early, you should know the health challenges the elderly might experience during this season for everyone around you to be aware. Professional home health care services in Phoenix, AZ, such as ours, can help you a little more. 

We recommend you begin Spring season preparation for your elderly loved ones by cleaning their homes properly. 

This post can help you with that!

What Health Issues Senior Citizens Are Likely to Face in Phoenix, Arizona 

Phoenix is a big city in Arizona located in the United States. 

During Spring, Phoenix does have its moments of wonder. Its weather is bearable for most people. Spring unfolds the buds of different kinds of flowers which makes this city more beautiful. 

Although temperatures remain fine at the beginning of Spring, the later part of it brings a heat rise, which gets worse in summer. 

Late Spring heat waves in Phoenix, Arizona, are also a concern for senior adults because stroke is one of the most common health problems in them. Because of global warming, climate change, and other environmental issues, heat waves are pretty common in the Springs of Arizona.

Apart from that, other common illnesses affecting the senior citizens in the city might be:

  • Respiratory illnesses (such as Asthma, Sinus, etc.) 
  • Infections 
  • Allergies
  • Parasitic diseases
  • Gastrointestinal disorders 
  • Cardiovascular disease 
  • Injury
  • Skin complications 
  • Food and water poisoning 

Although Spring generally has a calming effect on the elderly having depression caused by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), it might still be possible that few patients display symptoms of SAD between the late Spring and the early summer due to the uncomfortable weather. 

You can learn more about this through further research. You may also get in touch with services offering home health care in Phoenix, AZ, such as us.

How Spring Impacts Overall Senior Health in Phoenix, AZ

Throughout Arizona, people of all ages and ethnicities suffer from many ailments because of the changes in weather, lifestyle, and diet. 

The elderly citizens find it hard to cope with the weather in the city because of two main reasons. They are the rising heat of the late spring period and the environmental contamination due to a large number of inhabitants.

According to reputed home care services in Phoenix, AZ, here are a few reasons why Spring affects the health of the senior adults in the city:

  • Seasonal Allergies and Respiratory Issues

An older person is likely to suffer from seasonal allergic conditions such as Rhinitis due to air contamination or, even worse, poor indoor air quality. 

  • Heat Stress

Your senior loved one might suffer consequences due to the high temperature changes both indoors and outdoors. It’s advisable to keep the air-conditioned properly indoors. 

  • Skin Problems

Exposure to the sun might irritate senior citizens with sensitive skin. These issues may lead to allergic conditions or diseases. 

  • Dehydration 

The elderly might suffer from serious problems with dehydration such as convulsions, low blood pressure, breathing issues, cramping, and more for Arizona’s dry climate. 

  • Stroke and Heart Disease 

A major cause for elderly illness in Phoenix is stroke and heart diseases such as cardiovascular ailments, hypertension (high blood pressure), etc. Although Spring does not cause these issues, temperature rise might aggravate them. 

5 Spring Cleaning Tips for the Seniors of Phoenix (And Why It Is Important)?

The Phoenix senior living community can combat the issues that Spring brings, and that is simply by cleaning and practicing cleanliness not only with our own bodies, but also with our home and surroundings. 

Being clean usually means maintaining good hygiene and keeping your living areas clean. A clean environment helps the elderly to have a better or positive physical and mental state. On the other hand, a clean lifestyle and interior can help senior citizens get enhanced benefits from medications as they can relax at their homes, and rest as comfortably as they can. 

It is very important to maintain cleanliness because of the rise in the temperature, since it is during this season that microbial life forms may thrive more, and may increase the likelihood of infections, particularly in seniors. 

Most services providing elder care in Phoenix, AZ, offer effective home management services, where the professionals take steps to keep the living environment as clean as possible. 

Here are 5 ways our senior care services provide this sort of support:

  • Keep Spring Cleaning Goals Focused on Hygiene

Hygiene is the main reason you are up for cleaning the home of your elderly. Ensure hygienic and healthy cleaning in the Spring for your senior loved one.

  • Pay Attention to Air Quality

It is very important to keep the air quality indoors fresh and bacteria-free. Investing in an air purifier can help you keep indoor air clean and healthy. 

  • Maintain Standards to Avoid Contamination

Use your cleaning material by maintaining proper cleanliness standards. Ensure cleaning is done with proper equipment, gas masks, and covers so that toxic or harmful things don’t harm the elderly. 

  • Assign Cleaning to Those Who Know How 

Find the right professionals to help you with Spring cleaning for your elderly loved one. It can help you avoid unexpected accidents and maintain cleaning standards properly. You may search for the best home health care agency to fulfil this purpose. 

  • Discuss What the Elderly Citizen Is Looking For

The senior citizen may want specific Spring cleaning goals in mind. It is, therefore, best to talk to the person and deliver the exact assistance. 

To Conclude

We call ourselves Total Care Connections because we offer a ‘complete’ assisted service on senior care in Phoenix, AZ

We can help your elderly loved one with home management, healthcare management, companionship, rehabilitation services, and more. 

Talk to us today and make elderly living better for you or your loved one! 

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