Are Your Suffering from Caregiver Fatigue?

Are Your Suffering from Caregiver Fatigue?

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A family member or loved one became ill and needed constant care. The love and sense of obligation you feel would lead you to immediately assume the role as family caregiver to your loved one. It’s what your mother did and maybe her mother as well; it’s simply what families do for their aging loved ones.
As a care provider, it is easy to overlook your own needs. Without thinking about it, you begin to skip meals, lose sleep, neglect the needs of your children or mate, overwork yourself and become less active. The absence of these things can lead to emotional, mental and physical debilitation. Psychologists describe this as caregiver fatigue. You are not alone – it happens to many family care providers around the world and is a severe issue. Your body and mind become overwhelmed with unrelieved stress, though most people will ignore the symptoms of caregiver fatigue until serious health issues arise
Are you concerned that you or a loved one is suffering from mental or emotional fatigue from caring for others? Stress is a severe condition that can cause life changing problems. Caring for others is admirable and a good deed, but when you fail to take care of yourself, you’re no good to others at all.

10 Warning Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

  • Excessive tiredness
  • Lack of energy
  • Inability to sleep
  • Feeling overwhelmed by caregiving duties
  • Unusually impatient, argumentative and irritable with the person being cared for
  • Neglect of personal needs
  • Anxiety about the future
  • Weaken resistance to sickness or illness in your own body
  • Coping with daily life becomes a challenge
  • Physical issues such as headaches or stomach problems

Caregivers are important to the well-being of their senior loved ones. They are less effective when they become fatigued due to the lack of care they give themselves. It is important for them to take time out for themselves, kids and family. Pay attention to any signs of stress and if they appear, seek help and alleviate some of your burden. Follow the advice above to continue being a great care provider and feel your best while doing so.

If you need assistance providing care, contact Total Care Connections today. We work with family caregivers in Glendale and the surrounding communities to develop a custom care plan to cater specifically to you and your loved ones needs.

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