Avoid Returning to the Hospital After Your Discharge

Avoid Returning to the Hospital After Your Discharge

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When you or your loved one is finally out of the hospital or rehabilitation center, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. Returning home is a big milestone after a surgery, procedure, or prolonged stay in a clinical setting. However, returning home can also be quite dangerous without the right support and resources in place.

Nearly 1 in every 5 seniors who were staying in the hospital return within a month, per Medicare research. This statistic is startling, as seniors are supposed to be discharged when they are ready to handle being at home alone or with support. However, infections, falls, and other complications often send them back to the hospital or rehabilitation center.

Here are a few ways you can support your loved one so they don’t end up being 1 in 5 older adults who end up back in the hospital within a month of discharge.

Home Care Support

When your loved one is at the hospital or rehabilitation center, they are used to having trained caregivers available to assist them around the clock. When they return home, it can be a shock to have to navigate daily care tasks and home chores on their own. Your loved one should not be wasting their energy on doing laundry or tidying up; they should be focusing their efforts on continuing their recovery at home. 

This is where the team at Total Care Connections comes in. Our caregivers provide a variety of non-medical services to our clients. Let us take care of the tasks and chores so your loved one can save their strength for their recovery efforts.

A helpful hand can go a long way in ensuring safety and comfort after a hospital discharge.

Nutrition Assistance

A healthy recovery is fueled by eating healthy and nutritious foods. However, it can take a lot of energy and strength to plan meals, grocery shop for ingredients, and prepare three meals per day. Without the right assistance, eating often goes by the wayside, leaving seniors at home feeling weak.

The team at Total Care Connections can make meal preparation a snap. Our caregivers can assist with meal planning, shopping, and preparation. This way, clients only have to worry about eating a delicious meal and continuing their recovery.

A Safe Environment

Older adults returning home after a hospital stay are at a significantly higher risk of falling and reinjuring themselves. A safe and supportive environment can go a long way in keeping your loved one at home and out of the hospital. Learn how a few projects and adjustments can keep your loved one safe by downloading our free resource, Your Home Safety Checklist. This checklist is packed full of good information about where accidents and falls occur in the senior home as well as what DIY projects can reduce that risk.

The team at Total Care Connections offers medical and non-medical services to support your loved one’s recovery at home. When possible, begin your assessment process while your loved one is still in the hospital or rehabilitation center. This way, we can communicate with your loved one’s care team as we develop a personalized care plan to support them once they are home. A seamless transition home is what we always aim for.

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