Choosing a Home Care Company for Your Elderly Parent in Arizona During the Coronavirus Pandemic: What You Need To Know

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Choosing a Home Care Company for Your Elderly Parent in Arizona During the Coronavirus Pandemic: What You Need To Know

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2020 will be known as the year of change. Vetting a potential home care agency for your loved ones is always an important step, but in the age of a pandemic, the process is crucial. COVID-19, the name given by the World Health Organization (WHO) on February 11, 2020, for the disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has raised the stakes. Choosing the right caregivers for your family can feel scarier than ever, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

To assist our present and future clients in making an informed decision, we are providing information that should be considered when making your selection at this time.

First, it’s important to note that the CDC recommended the following guidelines for facilities during this pandemic:

  • Cancel all public or non-essential group activities and events.
  • Clean and disinfect all common areas and shared facilities.
  • Inform residents, workers, volunteers, and visitors about COVID-19.
  • Encourage personal protective measures.
  • Help residents establish a “buddy” system to ensure they stay connected.
  • Consider limiting the number of non-essential visitors.
  • Screen, when possible, and advise workers and essential volunteers.
  • Follow the guidance for businesses and employers.

Although these recommendations are designated for facilities, several may be adopted for the home health care environment.

So what should you, as a potential client, ask of a home health care company? The following questions are a great place to start. We can answer them right away and with ease.

  1. Is this organization aware of the CDC’s recommended guidelines for facilities, residents, volunteers, visitors, and caregivers?
  2. What type of training is required to become a caregiver?
  3. Does this certification include requirements specific to COVID-19/contagious diseases?
  4. What type of personal protective equipment (PPE) is being provided to caregivers?
  5. For clients with respiratory issues, what are the provisions?
  6. Upon being discharged from the hospital or a skilled nursing facility, will the agency be able to successfully transition your loved one back home? Also, do they provide information to make it a smooth and safe one?
  7. What is the procedure for a caregiver that encounters a confirmed case of COVID-19?

Total Care Connections takes the CDC recommended guidelines serious and goes a step further to ensure your family’s safety. We provide proprietary online training specific to infectious disease control as well as many other topics concerning the safety of our clients. Each caregiver on our team must complete the state-approved “Direct Care Worker” certification, which includes many precautions specific to keeping our seniors safe. Our company has staff that is well-equipped to protect seniors and our caregivers from the spread of COVID-19.

Total Care Connections also provides gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers to our caregivers to ensure everyone is safe. We have a full supply of KN95 masks that we can offer to seniors who are ill and stop the spread. For clients with respiratory issues, we make special provisions to ensure optimal care and stabilization. Even with the risks of spread in these facilities, Total Care Connections is successfully transitioning seniors back home due to the precautions and equipment that we have available.

Our mission is to lift your spirits, brighten your day, and make a positive impact during the time we spend with you providing senior care. Although we cannot determine the future, we hope that we have given you food for thought regarding the selection of a home care company. If you’d like to have a more in-depth and customized discussion about how we might be able to assist you, please contact us today.

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