Physical Therapy is an Important Part of Joint Surgery Recovery

Physical Therapy is an Important Part of Joint Surgery Recovery

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One of the biggest factors for a full recovery following joint surgery is physical therapy. This is especially true for seniors. Range of motion can be difficult after certain joints are replaced. The bending of knees or elbow present challenges for the elderly after they’ve gone joint surgeries on these areas. Physical therapy is the best approach to help regain the strength of motion in these areas.

Home Health Care

There are many emotions associated with joint replacement surgery, such as fear, anxiety, and depression. This is understandable because surgery can be stressful, and in addition to the stress, the physical pain makes it more challenging. Because of this, it is important to arrange for appropriate home health care following the surgery. This includes physical therapy that aides in the restoration of use in the joint on which the surgery was performed. In fact, failure to receive adequate therapy could cause the joint to be in worse condition than it was prior to the surgery. Because the joints of elderly have aged, it is extremely important that seniors receive physical therapy to help them regain full use of their joint(s).

The Consequences

Following joint replacement surgery, physical therapy is important. If the senior has undergone a total replacement, there has been a replacement of the removed joint with plastic or metal parts. Movement of the new joint is necessary to ensure that the muscles surrounding the joint regain strength. These muscles are weakened due to the lack of movement they have had because of the joint that hasn’t been used in a while. Anytime a joint replacement isn’t followed by a physical therapy routine, it prevents the body from accepting and adjusting to its newest parts. Home health care provisions for the elderly can include physical therapy inside the home. Professional therapists can visit the home and assist in exercises and rehabs that work to restore movement and range of motion in the joint that was replaced. One of the biggest consequences of not receiving proper therapy is that seniors will lose or have limited mobility and become more dependent on others to care for them. This can lead to bouts of depression and other emotional setbacks.

Total Care Connections understands the importance of home health care during recovery from joint replacement surgery. Please contact us today to learn more about our services.

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