8 Questions to Ask When Searching for Home Care in Arizona

8 Questions to Ask When Searching for Home Care in Arizona

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Searching for home care in Arizona can feel like an overwhelming task. A quick internet search brings up a list of agencies, but how can you be sure you are making the right decision? Here are a few questions to ask yourself, and potential agencies, as you make your final choice.

Ask Yourself: What are my current needs?

Whether you are searching for additional assistance for yourself or your loved one, it’s important to take into consideration what help is needed. Are you leaving the hospital after a procedure and need help with your medication regimen or follow up care? Does your loved one live with dementia and need a caregiver for safety and support? Write down a list of challenges or needs so that you can look for home care in Arizona that offers assistance with those tasks.

Ask Yourself: What are my future needs?

Many times, people search for a home care agency in Arizona after a medical crisis or hospital stay. Instead of making such an important decision in a stressful situation, we recommend bringing a home care caregiver into the life of your loved one before a crisis occurs. Even a visit for a few hours per week can increase socialization, trust, and overall health.

Doing your research and asking the right questions can help you choose a home care agency in Arizona.

Ask the Agency: How long have you been in business?

Steer clear of agencies that have only been serving your community for a few years. Instead, look for an agency that is established within the community; these are the agencies that will already have relationships with local hospital systems and professionals.

Ask the Agency: What services do you recommend?

Your new home care agency should become a part of your loved one’s medical team. Go ahead and ask them about their menu of services and which ones they believe could be best to support your loved one at home.

Ask the Agency: Can I meet potential caregivers?

At Total Care Connections, we work very hard to match caregivers with clients based on a variety of factors. Good matches mean better care and better relationships. If you are worried about your loved one finding common ground with a visiting caregiver, ask to meet them first.

Ask the Agency: What is your caregiver training like?

Exceptional home care agencies will make caregiver training a priority. Look for an agency that talks about an orientation class that includes a skills demonstration as well as ongoing training about senior health topics like dementia, Parkinson’s, and even Veteran care.

Ask the Agency: How often can we communicate?

Only work with home care agencies that put communication with clients and families at the top of their priority list. Look for home care in Arizona that offers multiple ways of communication, including phone calls or an online portal so that you can keep up with your loved one’s care.

Ask the Agency: Do you have any references?

It’s okay to ask an agency representative about references. It’s also okay to talk to your friends and neighbors about their own home care experiences. Getting feedback from past clients as well as your friends can help you make a better decision based on their experiences. They may also share situations that cause you to ask a few additional questions as well.

At Total Care Connections, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional client care and customer service. We would be honored to serve you. Call us to schedule a time to tell us more about your situation.

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