Six Benefits of Parkinson’s In-Home Care

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Six Benefits of Parkinson’s In-Home Care

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Senior care in Tucson, AZ, has been evolving for the past few years. If you search about home care service near me, on Google or other search engines, you’ll get hundreds of results. Choosing a suitable home care service is essential especially for those with Parkinson’s disease, and most agencies have the capacity to provide it.

However, most people aren’t aware of this so they prefer the traditional method or hospital for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. That can be difficult for a senior citizen since they have to visit a hospital regularly and it even makes it more difficult for those who live alone. Nowadays, these types of diseases can be treated from the comfort of your home which makes it highly beneficial for the elderly patients. 

In this blog, you’ll learn about six benefits of Parkinson’s in-home care. In addition, it may help you to clear all your doubts associated with home care. After reading this, you’ll understand why people in Tucson, AZ, must choose home care for this disease.

An Overview of Parkinson’s Disease

What is it?

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological illness that affects the nervous system and other parts of the body. A patient suffering from such a disease may show zero expression. In other words, it’s a physical disorder that leads to slow movement. In addition, it also leads to impaired body posture, tremors, and rigid muscles.

How Does This Disease Affect Senior Citizens?

  1. Slow movement: The disease may lead to a slow movement for senior patients. As a result, they’ll take more time to complete a simple task. 
  2. Rigid Muscle: A senior citizen might feel stiffness in their body part. Later, it can lead to pain that creates difficulties for them.
  3. Inadequate Posture: The body posture of a senior citizen may become paused. They may fail to have balance during their movements. 
  4. Speech Change: This disease also affects the speech of elderly people. They can start speaking quickly or softly. 

How to Ensure Proper Care for the Elderly Patients

  1. Physical Activities: A senior citizen with Parkinson’s disease should move their bodies regularly. It can help them to fix their body posture and get rid of rigid muscles. 
  2. Grooming: Elderly people with Parkinson’s disease need proper grooming. Bathing properly and dressing well should be a priority. Doing this alone may be challenging for them so having a family or caregiver around to help them is very important.
  3. Eating: Eating healthy is important for people with this disease. A well-balanced diet is essential in managing symptoms and improving their overall well-being. 
  4. Mental Support: Parkinson’s disease also has psychological impacts. Having a strong mental health support system to improve their quality of life should also be a priority.

The Six Advantages of Parkinson’s In-Home Care in Tucson, AZ

1. Personalized Care Plans

In-home care for Parkinson’s disease can help a patient get personalized treatment. The symptoms of this disease are different and can vary from person to person, so not all patients require similar health care plans. Home care services provide customized health support for elderly patients. The caregivers consider various things, and it leads to flexibility in patient care.

2. Enhanced Comfort

Elderly people who are suffering from Parkinson’s disease require a comfortable environment. It must be familiar, which is hardly possible in a hospital. Meanwhile, in-home care can provide them with familiarity, as they’ll feel comfortable to be at home. As a result, it can lead them to the process of quick recovery. Not only that, it reduces the anxiety of a patient. Getting treatment in the comfort of their home can get rid or lessen the feeling of stress, which also worsens this disease. 

3. Emotional Support

A home care solution can provide all the mental support to a senior citizen who is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. A caregiver isn’t only responsible for their physical well-being but also their mental well-being. Caregivers provide them with enough emotional support alongside the treatment. Companionship contributes positively to their mental health.

4. Patient’s Mobility

The caregiver who provides in-home care is also responsible to guide the patients in improving their mobility by doing light exercises and giving them something to do, considering activities that the patients enjoy. Caregivers always provide support in their daily activities, which includes bathing, meal preparation, dressing, etc. They encourage them to participate in events to go outside and stay connected with the community. 

5. Cost-effective Solution

The cost associated with a hospital in Tucson, AZ, is quite expensive for elderly care. Meanwhile, if you choose an in-home care service for Parkinson’s disease treatment, it can save enormous costs. A home care agency may give you flexible pricing options. Home care agencies can also help a family member be trained to become a family caregiver.

6. Access to Specialized Care

Home care services in Tucson, AZ, have specialized care features and resources to manage Parkinson’s disease, which cannot be provided by many hospitals. The caregivers can watch the patient closely and respond quickly for the treatment of the symptoms. A few home care agencies also provide physical therapists and speech therapists for quicker recovery.

Explore Total Care Connections: A Perfect Place for Parkinson’s In-Home Care in Tucson, AZ

Total Care Connections is a prominent home health care in Tucson, AZ. We can provide your loved one with all levels of in-home care, from companionship and personal care to private nursing, up to 24 hours a day. If your loved one is suffering from Parkinson’s disease, we can also be a helping hand in your journey. 

Our caregivers can engage your loved ones in physical activities, while also taking care of your loved one’s grooming and meal preparation. In addition, they’ll provide adequate mental and emotional support and enhance comfort with independent medication. 

Explore specialized care solutions at Total Care Connections

In Summary

Elder care in Tucson, AZ, has seen enormous growth over the past few years. If your loved one is suffering from Parkinson’s disease, it’s difficult for them to visit the hospital. Nowadays, you can opt for Parkinson’s in-home care. It can help you with a better personalized care plan, boost comfort, and enable mental support. Besides these, it can enhance independence with access to specialized support and cost-effectiveness.

In this blog, you’ve learned six benefits of Parkinson’s in-home care. In addition, you’ve also discovered how Total Care Connections can help provide Parkinson’s in-home care in Tucson, AZ.

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