How Can You Help Your Senior Parent Manage their Sodium Intake?

How Can You Help Your Senior Parent Manage their Sodium Intake?

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Elder Care near Oro Valley, AZ: Why Does Sodium Amount Matter?

As people age, their diet often changes depending on their health and lifestyle. Sodium intake is something essential to consider and watch carefully. While sodium has some positive effects on the body such as maintaining the balance of fluids in the body and playing a part in muscle contraction, it can also be harmful. Too often, people these days are not checking the labels of food, and sodium intake can be well over the recommended amount. This is true for people of any age, but particularly for seniors, who tend to buy easily prepared or microwavable, processed foods.

How to Manage Sodium Levels in Food

Here are some tips on sodium intake for aging adults. Help your parent use this information to make healthier choices. If you need assistance in planning meals with less sodium, you should hire elderly home care for your parent to help them with meal preparation and other daily tasks.

  • Older adults should have an adequate intake of sodium in their daily diets. Between the ages of 51 and 70, aging adults should have around 1,300 milligrams per day while those over 70 should have around 1,200 milligrams per day.
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states people over 50 should have no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day to prevent health risks. If you have high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, or are African American; consume as little sodium as possible.
  • The Tolerable Upper Level Intake Level of sodium the Food and Nutrition Information Board has set is 2,300 milligrams per day. They state seniors should stay below this number to prevent health problems.
  • Limiting certain foods such as pasta mixes, frozen meals, and deli meats can help reduce sodium intake. Older adults often rely on pre-packaged meals or canned foods which contain high levels of sodium; choosing low-sodium pre-made meals is a good option. If it’s possible to have homemade meals with sodium measured out, this would be the best option.
  • Salt is often replaced with potassium chloride as a way to reduce sodium intake. This can be harmful for older adults, as people age their kidneys have a harder time removing potassium. High potassium levels can be dangerous and cause heart issues, discussing sodium intake with a doctor can help prevent these risks.

Aging adults often have dietary requirements set in place to prevent health risks. It’s important for seniors to reduce their daily sodium intake, staying away from processed foods and choosing to hold the salt at meals can make a big difference in overall health. Aging adults should discuss their sodium intake with their doctors to find out exactly how much they should be consuming.

If you or an aging loved on are considering elder care services in the home, please contact the caring staff at Total Care Connections (520) 447-4711. We provide quality Home Care & Assisted Living Placement Serving Tucson, Green Valley, Oro Valley, and Surrounding Areas!

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